Equestrian Scholarships: What to Know

Equestrian Scholarships: What to Know

As a high school rider, you may be able to turn your skills into scholarship money for college- if you prepare wisely. Here we’ve outlined the basics, and pinpointed your immediate priorities for success. As explained in last week’s Horse Show Leases blog post, there...
Riding as a Team with the IEA

Riding as a Team with the IEA

What is the IEA? Have you ever known (or been) a kid that wanted to show but was hindered by not owning a horse? Most likely, you have- it’s a common issue in the equestrian world. But through IEA, kids that don’t own a horse have the opportunity to compete, and all...
What is Great Equitation?

What is Great Equitation?

Perfect equitation is something that every rider strives for, regardless of discipline and skill level. It is the basis upon which all riding habits are built.  Polishing your riding skills correctly is crucial to avoid developing bad habits that can affect both you...