by Horse Show Imports | Apr 5, 2019 | Equestrian Blog
It goes without saying that Pony Finals is the year’s most exciting event for competitive pony riders. However… it’s actually just generally exciting, for parents, grooms, trainers, grandparents- heck, even for the animals! The ponies are shapely, shiny, stunning...
by Horse Show Imports | Mar 29, 2019 | Equestrian Blog
If you aren’t familiar, you might think that pony classes, since they are only for riders under 18, are kid stuff. Not even close. Ok, it’s true that kids compete in the classes, and that they are a ton of fun, but pony hunters are serious business, super...
by Horse Show Imports | Mar 23, 2019 | Equestrian Blog
Paddock Masters, or staff who run the in-gate at horse shows, can be quite influential on the experience of exhibitors, spectators, judges, and management. At large horse shows, they often make running a gate look easy. They are always calm and patient, and...
by Horse Show Imports | Mar 16, 2019 | Equestrian Blog
When we think of a horse show, or any competition going well, we think of riding well, our horse behaving, everything clicking, and perhaps winning some decent ribbons. However, for any of that to happen consistently, we must first be prepared and organized. That...
by Horse Show Imports | Mar 11, 2019 | Equestrian Blog
Horse shows come in all shapes and sizes. There are schooling shows, regional shows, IEA shows, and A Shows. Bigger shows, of course, have more horses and exhibitors and therefore require more staff. However, there are some roles consistently must be filled at all...
by Horse Show Imports | Feb 23, 2019 | Equestrian Blog
Have you ever been at a show and wondered what went into a judge’s decision? Yes, we all know hunters and equitation are judged subjectively… but still. Sometimes it can be frustrating and hard to understand. Understanding the horse show judging process can...